All the Dirt on Gardening: Tips for Smart Garden Center Selections
This is an excellent reminder of what to look for when selecting plants. I have been gardening for years but love to read a reminder before I buy plants. This advice will save you grief and money in the long run!
3 Problems Paint Primer Can Solve
Most home DIY-ers know that if you want to turn your ivory walls red, you’d
be best served priming the walls first. Paint primer has other uses in your
12 years ago
Today I went to the garden center again and admired plants that I have no place to put.
ReplyDeleteFor example they have white mandavilla vine. That takes a hot spot you can see and daily water in our environment.
I took a breath and walked away.
I'm not allowed to go yet:~) Our last frost isn't until June so I'm still working on seedlings. I drool over your photos though!